Saturday, October 21, 2017

Of Wind In Her Wings

When an angel worries,

She loses the grace (that so delicately)

Feathers her wings.

She can no longer fly in clouds

Equally beautiful, and lands in the world,

Unable to see herself as she deserves.

Without a chance to debate

The outcome: She is human.

She cannot transcend the mirrors

Of the earth, or the uncertainty reflected

Within their shadows that darken her sky.

I have no grace to give this angel.

Cannot compete with the memories

Of wind in her wings.

I will hold her, love her, and try to quiet

Her moments of self-doubt, so she can see how

The sun rejoices when it touches her face.

Heaven has lost an angel.

And I have found what it’s like

To soar in the clouds, (untethered)

When graced with the sun that

Nestles within her heart.

Dedicated to the Transgender Community

Roses All Around Me

Lost roses in a gardened room

Stood gazing out a windowed pane.

And waiting for their chance to bloom,

Hoping (as flowers do) to gain

Belief that they are beautiful.

The roses felt the Garden’s scorn

When they refused to take their place.

Then shed themselves of leaf and thorn

And showed themselves (all stem and face)

As something new and beautiful.

They could not make the Garden see

That worth is not the way you’re born,

But how you live when you feel free.

And never again have to mourn

That no one thinks you’re beautiful.

There are roses all around me

And they are beautiful (I know).

They bloom whenever they are free

But they’ve so very far to go

(I hope they know they’re beautiful).

One day I’ll mourn the Garden’s loss,

After the final rose’s bloom.

When all is grey from winter’s frost,

And Heaven saves from final doom,

Lost roses, all quite beautiful.
Inspired by some of the most courageous
and genuine people I have met.
