Has been a long time since I published anything. Sorry about that. Will try and do better. So....today is a poem I wrote in April this year. It is for a friend of mine that went through a tough time and came out the other side better and happier. He never had a tatoo before, and when he got his first one, it was of a Phoenix. It was HUGE, and covered his entire back! I thought about the fact that he was a fireman at one point in his life, and how the metaphor of fire and rebirth plays in his life. He gave permission to print this poem, and for that I am grateful. I also have a challenge poem I am working on from a friend and reader in Atlanta, GA (thanks Dee!)
Myth would have it born anew
From it’s own ashes.
Flying to the sun,
Awoken from death
To live again.
Brighter than the fire of life.
Legend would have it become
Like man.
Passion ablaze,
Consuming all it touches with
It’s first breath of sky and wing.
But I know it is a fireman.
Smoldering from the burns
Of his older, other life.
Glowing with embers of a slowly
Realized future.
Bursting from his burdens like
The blazing symbol on his back,
He rises to the challenge of
The dawn on his horizon.
Becomes like his dreams,
Let me know your thoughts...
orn b.