Thursday, June 20, 2013

Christmas in June.

I wrote this for one of my best friends for a Christmas Party she invited me to. Her name is Husted, so "hustedian" logic refers to her. I realize I am 6 months late, but it was fun to write.

Just Like The Mayans
The Mayans wrote it down in stone
That our world would never end.
We got it wrong, like some forgotten
Song whose words we did not attend.

And with our dawn, we staggered on
Some happy, and some to fret.
Husted falls into the former group
Because “she ain’t done yet”.

So day to day and year to year
We’ll live our lives with relish.
Habitually playing down our smiles
And do our pains, embellish.

Our metaphorical stockings hang
Expecting a charcoal fare.
We are appeased, if not half pleased
When we find nothing there.

Christmas comes and then it goes
We plan, we drink, we eat.
We laugh, we love, and decorate
Our lives with friendships’ treat.
So Here’s To Happy Holidays,
(To waxing full PC).
Make a toast to our Hustedian Host,
And drink most merrily!
We’ll March into our futures-
As lambs, or maybe lions.
We’ll carve secure, just to be sure,
Our songs (just like the Mayans).

 I hope everyday is like a holiday.
Let me know your thoughts. 

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