Wednesday, June 27, 2018

A Silent Thanks

 An eagle named Eddie

And a turkey called Tom

Called each other brother,

“just from another mom”.

They laughed and played as children do

Each day and every night.

Tom grew big and ruled the ground,

Eddie, was king of flight.

They knew the worth of freedom,

The cost that kept it true.

They shared ideas of what it meant

And of what they had to do.

Tom said, “Freedom should never starve,

And I have all this meat.”

“I will give my life for this,

So all free men can eat.”

Eddie said, “My sight is sharp.”

My beak and talons strong.

I can soar above the land,

Protecting it from wrong.

Eddie and Tom then said goodbye.

Tom’s life was soon to end.

His sacrifice, his bond, his word

Was all that he could send.

Eddie symbolized strength and hope.

Our freedoms he’ll defend.

But he always gives a silent thanks

To Tom, his steadfast friend.

Sacrifice, when freely given for the good of the many,

Shall always be held as the most courageous

In the ledgers of Heaven.

orn b.

27 June 2018

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