Saturday, June 26, 2010


Taking a chance this week. I've never given birth. I've never been a father. However, the two poems I submit for your consideration deal with the experience and feelings mothers' have towards their newborn children. To mothers reading these poems, please let me know if I'm close. If I'm not, let me know that, too.

Both poems are written from through the eyes (and hearts) of the mother.

While You Cried Life Into My World

You cling to me.
Clever eyes needing in a way
I never thought possible.
Your tiny sighs accenting my tears.
You will not remember this moment
When I bathed you in my happiness,
While you cried life into my world.
Your father touches your cheek
Shiny-eyed he kisses you.
He is silent.
You are love and he respects this.
My hands, his eyes/face all intermingled.
We are one, the three of us.
I know (as Mothers know)
I would give my life for you.
You sweeten my life as only a miracle can.
Holding you I dream of roses in a rainstorm
Touched by a ray of morning sun.


Melodies Learned From the Same Heart

Sing your life’s song, my little one.
So close are we that
I weep for joy, for both of us.
Your song/my song sweetens the sun’s smile,
Highlights the beauty of your
Tiny, perfect hands.
Holding you is more than I could have dreamed.
( safe...Shush now)

Your breath colors the flowers in my heart
Radiant warm,
Silky soft.
Little one, how I love you.
My eyes close with yours
As we sing/sigh melodies learned
From the same heart.
When your songs are your own,
I shall listen with silent tears,
Recalling when we shared the same soul.


Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment at the bottom of this post. Take care.


  1. Mommy? Is that you? :)

    Nice job Butler. Where does this come from or should I even want to know.

    Keep up the good work.


    p.s. You, my dear, have inspired me to blog. Just have to figure out what I want to say. :)

    Much love.

  2. Shell,

    I will be active on your blog, let me know when you start! I really have no idea where some of this stuff comes from. It just "feels" like it needs to be said.

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